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Why Your AC Might Be Struggling in August and What You Can Do About It in Morristown, TN

By Budget Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Imagine this: It’s a sweltering August day in Morristown, TN, and you’re basking in the warmth of your living room, hoping to escape the oppressive heat outside. You’ve got the air conditioning running, but instead of a refreshing breeze, you’re met with warm, stagnant air. As the temperature rises, so does your frustration. Why is your AC struggling, and what can you do to get it back to its cool, efficient self?

Understanding why your AC might be having trouble during these peak summer months is crucial. In this blog, we’ll explore the common reasons behind an underperforming air conditioner and provide practical solutions to ensure you stay comfortable all summer long.

Common Reasons Why Your AC Struggles in August

As the mercury climbs in August, your air conditioner is put to the ultimate test. Understanding why your AC might be struggling during this peak summer period is essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. In this section, we’ll delve into some of the most common issues that can impact your system’s performance, from increased heat load to potential equipment problems. By identifying these factors, you can take proactive steps to ensure your AC stays cool and efficient throughout the sweltering summer months.

Increased Heat Load

One of the most significant factors affecting your AC’s performance in August is the increased heat load. As temperatures soar, your air conditioner has to work harder to maintain a cool indoor environment. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, during peak summer months, the heat load on your AC system can increase by up to 50% compared to milder weather. This added stress can strain your system and reduce its efficiency.

Dirty Air Filters

Air filters play a crucial role in your AC’s efficiency. When they become clogged with dust and debris, airflow is restricted, forcing your unit to work harder to circulate air. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommends checking and replacing your air filters every 1-3 months, especially during high-use periods like August. A clean filter can improve your AC’s efficiency by up to 15%.

Refrigerant Issues

Refrigerant is essential for cooling your home, and any issues with it can significantly impact your AC’s performance. Low refrigerant levels, often due to leaks, can cause your system to underperform. A refrigerant leak can reduce cooling efficiency by 5-10% for every pound of refrigerant lost. If you suspect a refrigerant issue, it’s important to contact a professional for diagnosis and repair.

Inadequate Insulation

Proper insulation is vital for maintaining a cool indoor environment. Inadequate insulation can lead to significant heat gain, causing your AC to work harder to keep your home cool. Proper insulation can reduce cooling costs by 20-30%. If your home isn’t properly insulated, it might be time to consider an upgrade.

Aging Equipment

Like any mechanical system, air conditioners have a finite lifespan. As your unit ages, its efficiency can decrease, leading to higher energy bills and reduced performance. The average lifespan of an AC unit is around 15-20 years. If your system is approaching or exceeding this age, it may be time to consider a replacement or major repairs.

What You Can Do to Improve Your AC’s Performance

To keep your air conditioner running smoothly and efficiently, it’s essential to take proactive steps that address common issues and enhance overall performance. Whether it’s through regular maintenance, optimizing thermostat settings, sealing air leaks, upgrading insulation, or considering a system upgrade, there are several effective strategies you can implement. By understanding and applying these measures, you can ensure your AC remains reliable and efficient, providing you with a cool and comfortable environment even during the hottest months.

Regular Maintenance

One of the best ways to ensure your AC runs smoothly is through regular maintenance. This includes tasks such as cleaning or replacing air filters, checking refrigerant levels, and inspecting ductwork for leaks. It’s recommended to schedule professional maintenance at least once a year to keep your system in top shape.

Optimize Your Thermostat Settings

Adjusting your thermostat settings can help reduce the strain on your AC. Setting your thermostat to a higher temperature when you’re away from home or using a programmable thermostat can save energy and reduce wear and tear on your unit. The U.S. Department of Energy suggests setting your thermostat to 78°F when you’re home and awake, and 85°F when you’re away.

Seal Air Leaks

Air leaks in your home can undermine your AC’s efficiency by allowing cool air to escape and warm air to enter. Inspect your home for gaps around windows, doors, and ductwork, and seal any leaks with weatherstripping or caulk. Proper sealing can improve your AC’s efficiency by up to 10%.

Upgrade Insulation

If you suspect that inadequate insulation is contributing to your AC’s struggles, consider upgrading your insulation. Adding insulation to your attic, walls, and floors can help maintain a consistent indoor temperature and reduce the workload on your air conditioner.

Consider a System Upgrade

If your AC is older or consistently underperforming, it may be time to consider a system upgrade. Modern air conditioners are more energy-efficient and can provide better cooling performance.

For AC Service in Morristown, TN, Contact Budget Heating and Air Conditioning Today

Keeping your air conditioner in top shape during the hot August months in Morristown, TN, is essential for maintaining comfort and efficiency. By understanding common issues and taking proactive steps, you can ensure your AC performs at its best.

If you’re experiencing problems with your AC or need a professional tune-up, don’t hesitate to reach out to Budget Heating and Air Conditioning. Our team of experts is here to help with all your HVAC needs, from routine maintenance to system upgrades. Contact us today to schedule your service and enjoy a cooler, more comfortable home all summer long.

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